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Download +Hier können Sie DIQA-Produkte kostenlos ausprobieren.  +
Easy Tagging App for Sharepoint online +The new "Email Dispatcher" learns how to classify emails and automatically forwards emails in a shared mailbox to specific email addresses. This reduces the time needed to monitor and process shared mailboxes, like [email protected], or [email protected].  +
Easy Tagging App for Sharepoint online +The new "Find terms"-predictor tags all documents with occurences of terms and synonyms in a termset. Just create a termset that includes your company's product names, groups and their synonyms and let the Easy Tagging App automatically tag your libraries of marketing materials, product manuals etc. Your users will be able to browse for product documents in the search center.  +
Easy Tagging App for Sharepoint online +The "Learning Wizard" makes learning from your example documents really easy: it guides you through three steps and at the end your documents are automatically tagged!  +
Easy Tagging App for Sharepoint online +DIQA has launched the new product "Easy Tagging App for SharePoint online" to help companies to make their Sharepoint documents better accessible: reduced effort to provide documents with meaningful tags.  +
Easy Tagging App for Sharepoint online +The Easy Tagging App for SharePoint online greatly reduces the time to automatically provide document libraries with searchable metadata and to automatically process shared mailboxes.  +
Example blog article (September 1, 2015) +Wie setzen Sie das strukturierte Wissensmanagement gemäß ISO 9001:2015 um? ⇒Lesen Sie hier!  +
Example blog article (September 1, 2015) +Die aktuelle Fassung von ISO 9001 (ISO 9001:2015) fordert unter anderem das systematische "Wissensmanagement". Sie müssen Wissen und Kompetenzen systematisch identifizieren, das für die Erbringung Ihres Leistung notwendig sind. Im Folgenden möchten wir Ihnen eine Checkliste für das Wissensmanagement ISO 9001:2015 geben.  +
Free evaluation copy +Hier können Sie DIQA-Produkte kostenlos ausprobieren.  +
Improve search in Mediawiki and SMW (October 1, 2020) +How to improve search in Mediawiki and SMW ⇒Read here!  +
Improve search in Mediawiki and SMW (October 1, 2020) +Finding documents in Mediawiki and SMW using a faceted search  +
Main Page +Welcome at DIQA – the experts from Germany for intelligent SharePoint Apps and Machine Learning with Microsoft- and Open Source-technologies.  +
NewsItem +Mit dem neuen Release der Semantic Search Webparts können Benutzer jetzt nach Dokumenten suchen, die alle Tags besitzen, die der Benutzer im TreeRefiner selektiert hat, einfach per Mausklick. Damit lassen sich komfortabel Suchanfragen stellen, die SharePoint nicht auf diese Art und Weise erlaubt. Ihr Vorteil: die Benutzer finden schneller zielgerichtet die gesuchten Dokumente.  +
O365: Automatically process shared inboxes (May 10, 2021) +The new "Email Dispatcher"-feature of the Easy Tagging App learns to assign emails in shared inboxes to classes and automatically forwards them to specific email addresses. This reduces the time needed to monitor and process shared mailboxes, like [email protected], or [email protected].  +
O365: Automatically process shared inboxes (May 10, 2021) +This App scans shared inboxes for new emails and forwards them to the appropriate recipient for further processing ⇒reade more!  +
O365: Boost document findability with autotagging (September 1, 2020) +Automatic document tagging boosts your document findability? ⇒reade more!  +
O365: Boost document findability with autotagging (September 1, 2020) +Finding documents in Sharepoint online/Office 365 can be tedious. If you want to restrict your search to certain document types (like: reports, inquiries, CVs, sales orders, invoices) you either end up with too many irrelevant search hits or relevant documents don't show up because they don't include the search term. If you rely on Sharepoint's fulltext search capabilities only, then your users will be frustrated and spend too much time to find the right documents.  +
Power-Search for MediaWiki +Power-Search for MediaWiki: schneller, präziser und interaktiver als MediaWiki's Standardsuche!  +
Professional services from DIQA +Hier können Sie eine Lizenz für DIQA-Produkte erwerben.  +
Purchase a license +Hier können Sie eine Lizenz für DIQA-Produkte erwerben.  +